Welcome to HROARR

Resources for the Historical European Martial Arts and Sports Community

The HROARR site focuses on different aspects of Historical European Martial Arts. It is meant to serve both as a help to active HEMA practitioners and as a source of inspiration for people that are unfamiliar with this form of Martial Arts. At its core the HROARR site is a free online HEMA magazine with contributions from the whole community. It is also a neutral meeting ground where we can all connect, share and learn from each other using the tools provided by the site.

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Running a large knowledge hub and community site like HROARR unfortunately involves both a lot of costs in cash and time, paying for server, software, security and maintenance. For this reason, a Patreon page has been set up, so you, our dear visitor, can help out.

It is of course entirely voluntary, and HROARR will never have content locked up behind a pay wall, but the better HROARR's finances are, the better content you will have, and the more frequently it will be updated with content and features. Hopefully, one day, the site will have a full time editor to manage it.

From the HEMA Blogosphere

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Concerning the Reliability of the Waggle Test

Dynamic parameters define a rigid body’s reaction to external forces. While their importance for a sword’s behaviour is known since the 19th century, many data sets of original swords, replicas and training weapons include mass and the centre of mass, but lack a third parameter such as moment of inertia, radius of gyration, or corresponding centres of oscillation/percussion. A third parameter, however, is required to calculate a rigid object’s response.

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Fighting Successfully – Bridging The Gap Between Technique And Free Play

Did you ever face the situation that you trained a technique over and over, again and again and it just straight out refuses to come out during free play? Then you know the frustration if expectations and results don’t match.

Failing time and time again, because you can’t pull of what you should be able to doesn’t feel nice. It can be devastating and lead the most dedicated of us down a path of frustration. It can be a reason why people quit HEMA altogether.

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The Recital of the Chivalric Art of Fencing of the Grand Master Johannes Liechtenauer

Though long delayed, this book represents the most complete picture possible of the Liechtenauer tradition of foot combat as it was recorded in the mid 15th century. It’s the text I wanted for my students when I was leading a study group, and I’m happy to finally offer it in print. I hope it serves in some small way to advance the study of Johannes Liechtenauer’s art.

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Fighters Against Racism

HEMA Companies


Acta Periodica Duellatorum


The Historical European Martial Arts Coalition
The Historical European Martial Arts Coalition
The Meyer Frei Fechter Guild
The Meyer Frei Fechter Guild
The HEMA Alliance
The HEMA Alliance


Herzog August Bibliothek

Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden

Universitätsbibliothek Wuerzburg

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Biblioteka Jagiellonska

Lunds Universitetsbibliotek

Nordiska museets bibliotek

The Higgins Armory Sword Guild
