Well, the rules are simple enough. Don't be an asshole.
I will let you know if you are.
If you persist in being one, I will kick you out so you can hassle other forums instead. Otherwise you are very welcome to discuss, educate and learn about the various topics in here.
Have fun!
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- Roger N
- Site Admin
- Posts:701
- Joined:Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:13 pm
- Weapons:Longsword, quarterstaff, dussack, dagger
- Location:Gothenburg, Sweden
- Contact:
Post by Roger N » Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:48 pm
Roger Norling
Quarterstaff instructor
Gothenburg Free Fencers Guild
Member of MFFG
Member of HEMAC
Chief editor HROARR
Quarterstaff instructor
Gothenburg Free Fencers Guild
Member of MFFG
Member of HEMAC
Chief editor HROARR
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