
Australian College of Arms (QLD)
Australian Historical Swordplay Federation
The Company B.S.A (NSW)
Collegium In Armis (QLD)
Condottieri Inc Australia (QLD)

Fechtkunst (WA)
Finesse Academie of Fence (ACT)
Gemeiner Academy of European Combat Arts (QLD)
Knight School (WA)
Melbourne Swordplay Guild (VIC)

Prima Spada School of Fence (QLD)
Salle D’Armes Cyrano
Scholare Vadi (NSW, QLD)
Stoccata School of Defence Sydney / Hobart (NSW, TAS)

New Zealand

Auckland Sword & Shield Society Incorporated
NZ Schools of European Martial Arts (Auckland, Upper Hutt, Wellington)
Vier Leger (NSW)